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156 cold to 170 in 80 days.

omw2_95th_percentileomw2_95th_percentile Core Member
in General 83 karma

I'm a suuuuuuuuper splitter (or will be come Sep 18th) and am feeling great heading into my first official writing.

My advice is keep going. No matter what, keep going. Life is not easy, neither is the test. When you are feeling down tap into your "why?"

As for knowledge find out what way of thinking about things works for you. Recalling my thoughts when selecting wrong (or right but uncertain) answers has been the biggest benefit for me. Also with LG, just trying to figure out "was there a better way I could have approached that game?" I don't necessarily look for the "most efficient" way directly, I more so seek flexibility in each game. Meaning, how many different ways could I have done this game? And more importantly, how do those thoughts apply to AR in general?

I'm pumped and no one else really understands the grind I've put myself through the last few weeks so I wanted to put the energy out there and claim it moving forward. I will master this test and you can too.


    18 karma

    Awesome! What was your daily study schedule like?

  • omw2_95th_percentileomw2_95th_percentile Core Member
    83 karma

    @HJISMAIL97 said:
    Awesome! What was your daily study schedule like?

    At first I was doing 8-12 hours a day. Then I realized the last half was worthless. I've been doing 5-6 every since. I started with LSAT trainer. Took 30 to get through that. Then started 7 Sage early in July. I did most of the CC to some extent. Some of it I didn't touch because I have those areas grasped pretty well.

    Started taking 2-3 PT's a week late in July. Making sure I find some way to grow significantly from each PT. Whether that come from review or testing strategies. I've probably left some opportunity to grow on the table by doing so many PT's in a short time.

  • babkir19babkir19 Member
    50 karma

    So inspiring. Thank you!!

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