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Canceling score?

edited September 2020 in General 14 karma

Hi all. I took the LSAT Flex yesterday and well, it didn't go great. For various reasons I was not in the best head space and that coupled with test day anxiety really threw me for a loop.

I've been drilling LG for a few months now and have been consistently getting between -1 and -4 on practice tests. On the real deal, my brain went completely blank and I maybe properly set up two of the games. I remember blindly guessing on at least 3 questions (probably more but my brain has kind of blacked out details) and made semi-educated guesses on others. I also had super low time on the last RC passage and had to make some pretty quick educated guesses there as well. LR might be fine but also might not.

This was so far off from my recent PT experiences, which have mostly ranged in the high 160s/low 170s. I'm pretty worried that the LG section alone put me below the 160s range on the actual test.

I took the test last November so I already have that score on file (160) and feel like it would look pretty terrible to have an even lower score on record almost a year later... At the same time, maybe I miraculously guessed well and/or somehow didn't do as terribly as I think. So, the question is: Is it a good idea to cancel my score to be safe..? More specifically, is it better to have a cancelled score on record (and forever be haunted by not knowing how I did) than to have two scores well below my goals on file a year apart?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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