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Extreme Fluctuation going into October Flex PTs from 166-180

jonny2000jonny2000 Member
in General 31 karma

Hi all, wanted to seek some last minute advice before going into the October Flex. I've been fluctuating a lot lately and wanted to know from others who have experienced the same thing---what is your advice for performing your best on test day, and stabilizing your scores? Feeling demoralized after scoring a 166 today, after my first 180 a couple of days ago. My last 8 PTs, in order, have been:
I take 3 PTs a week, I know this is on the high side but the exam is really soon and I want to get exposed to as many questions as possible. Thanks in advance!

Also more of a general question, on the real Flex RC section, are there line numbers? I took a PT from the LSAC Lawhub website today and there were no line numbers which really threw me off.

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