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Still focus most on the 80s?

EllegoalsEllegoals Member
in General 342 karma

Do we think the PTs in the 80s are slightly less important to focus on in the age of the flex test? (Obviously they're still important, just less so than before?) I hear they're pulling experimental from past administrations, so I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are.


  • Genuinely curious, as I'm prepping for Oct. Flex and had thought most recent ones were more likely to be most similar to the upcoming Flex - why would the most recent be less important to focus on?

  • ChloeeeeChloeeee Member
    135 karma

    Hi, what you mean by they are pulling experimental from the previous PTs? Do you mean they are going to have similar questions from the past?

  • Jack shephardJack shephard Core Member
    15 karma


  • EllegoalsEllegoals Member
    342 karma

    Hi! Since flex is being offered on so many different days and multiple different times throughout the day, it's been said that LSAC is offering different versions of the test each day (maybe multiple versions per day, I'm not positive). So LSAC has had to use experimental sections from old administrations of the test to create all of the different versions. For example, I imagine it being that your LR could come from the 70's, RC from the 60's and games from the 80's - or some other random selection of sections coming from multiple different tests/time periods. Although I doubt they're using anything too old. Powerscore has analyzed this a bit if you want to check out what they've said - I'm sure they explain it more clearly! lol

    That being said, although practicing the 80s are important because you never know what combination you'll get on test day, I'm curious whether it is really AS important to focus a lot of time on, or whether a good mix would be equally as helpful.

  • legallytiredlegallytired Member
    442 karma

    hi,following from what @Ellegoals said, powerscore does have a podcast on it going into detail about that, and they said that for the august flex they pulled from exams that were from 2015-2017. i think that its probably important to equally focus on everything, and dont give preferential treatment to the 80s like we normally would have since they are pulling from experimental sections and giving so many different versions of exams throughout the day that 80s cant possibly be the only section they pull from

  • JoeyyyyyJoeyyyyy Member
    48 karma

    I did the July and August flex. It is definitely a mix, and you can never really know what you'll be getting. This is VERY subjective, and keep in mind this is reliant on specific sections I received on test day(s), but -- LG feels like 70s and RC feels like the 80s to me. LR definitely has less of a focus on formal logic, but I don't think I could confine it to a specific era. That's how I felt just going through the test with patterns of difficulty, having a weird fourth game, etc. If there is anything to take away from this is that you should spread your studying out and I highly recommend not skipping over the 70s (and including the 80s)!

  • ChloeeeeChloeeee Member
    135 karma

    I guess even if they pulled from the past tests, they would not pull from the disclosed ones...probably from the non-disclosed ones. I'm not sure

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