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I was so ready to have my score today but I just did the writing this past week (I know, dumb) and it seems like they have a backlog for approving writing samples and it could be a long time till I have the score! Does anyone have any info or idea how long it might be? My writing status says results pending. To make things worse I feel like I might've slipped up and not shown both sides of my scratch paper in the room scan! Am I doomed to do the writing over again? Is it gonna be weeks without my score?! I am probably needlessly stressed but I was so hoping to have my score today!!!
Not sure about the backlog on LSAC's side but I did the writing sample the day after my lsat and it took them 7 business day to approve it. Don't know if the timeline is still the same but hope that offer you some perspective. I also did not shown both side of my scratch paper during the room scan and they approved my sample no problem so I won't worry too much about that.
I took mine a week ago today, my results are still pending. SO frustrating and LSAC isn't giving a straightforward answer about timing (I called two times and got two completely different answers), so I guess we just have to be patient.