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"me during 60 sec break between sections focusing my mind and preparing to fight for my life"

canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
edited November 2020 in General 8491 karma

Stolen from reddit but it made me choke on my coffee and was too good not to share.

Credit u/Sirloinofbeef610


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Genuinely hoping you did well. Don't stress too much waiting on that score.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    not to be dramatic but I kind of feel like im preparing for battle every time I take a test

  • Daniel SimonettiDaniel Simonetti Core Member
    74 karma

    I feel attacked right now haha

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @VerdantZephyr thanks trying my best not to.

  • lilpinglinglilpingling Member
    638 karma

    Exactly. I hope the proctor enjoyed watching my express yoga sessions. :neutral:

    I'm sort of enjoying this period of uncertainty. Until I actually see my score, it is both good and bad. Schrödinger's LSAT.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Let's just hope you didn't end up sharing Qui-Gon's fate...

  • nanabillannanabillan Member
    347 karma

    HAHA that is me as well, except my right hand is over my heart focusing on breathing

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