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Hope for score dips!

SandwichelleSandwichelle Alum Member

Dear 7Sagers,

Thanks to the community and the great material here on 7sage I received a very pleasing 160 on the November LSAT Flex.

I tell you because I’ve seen a lot of discouragement and disappointment in the forum on score release day!

I first took August 2020, got a 154, score preview cancelled that score.

Second I took September, I got the shredder game (look it up) I bombed LG, ended up with a 151 on my permanent LSAT record.

I have averaged 158, across 30 PT’s and am fairly consistently improving... when this 151 came, I was very disappointed but I jumped back in right away for November!

I took the test 11/10/20, afternoon.

Program shut down in the middle of RC passage, someone also knocked on my door which was distracting. But I pushed through... kept focus as much as possible.

I got a 160 score today. I am so delighted.

All this to say, I felt hopeless a few weeks ago, but I started drilling games, doing 8-10 games a day. I have thoroughly worked and understand at least 80% of all games! I explain them to anyone who will listen. I really visualize.

As for strategy, imagine your score with a -0 on games, which you may be able to achieve by the January 16th administration! Work your games, read some passages and outline them to yourself! You can recover from a dropped score! I did! I believe in you! Message me if you need any help!!

All Best!


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