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Do I need to retake in Jan or just add an addendum?

373966249373966249 Free Trial Member
edited November 2020 in Law School Admissions 4 karma

I have a question about my LSAT score. I have some bad previous scores on the record, which is 1/13/2020 146—>May 2020 150—>October 2020 154—> November 2020 172. I have a huge increase from October to November which makes me worried that will law school admissions will think my November score is suspicious? My October test has tech issues and was interrupted by Proctor U during the exam but I didn’t cancel because at least it will better than 150, which is my May score. Usually my PT range is around 165. In November, I think I did very well and questions are all standard. Is it enough just add an Addendum to explain this situation? Or do I need to retake in January to prove that my score is not just an accident, but I think it might be late to apply and lost scholarship opportunities. I will be very appreciated if you reply! Thank you so much !


  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Addendum, definitely. You can't fall upon a 172 by accident, and AdComms know that. Congrats on such a great score, get those apps in! I had a similar experience with ProctorU and know how much that can tank your score, just explain the circumstances and take ownership that you made adjustments for your November exam.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I think many schools want an addendum for any increase of 6+ points if people are looking for a solid number.

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