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How Do I move past the blind review?

youngh92youngh92 Core Member
in General 4 karma

I blind reviewed but it still doesn't give me an option to check my answers etc. Someone tell me how to proceed. Thanks


  • Serena13Serena13 Core Member
    128 karma

    You would have to click on the little square next to the statement indicating that you've finished BR. Then it will have a "button" for you to click on to show your results w/the answers.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @youngh92 said:
    I blind reviewed but it still doesn't give me an option to check my answers etc. Someone tell me how to proceed. Thanks

    Hi there,

    After you have completed your Blind Review, tick the checkbox that says “I completed Blind Review" and then tap on "End Blind Review." Finally, tap on “Show Results” to view your results. See the GIF below:


    If you don't see the option to "End Blind Review" try scrolling down in the Digital Tester as shown in the GIF below:


    I hope this helps! Let us know if you are still having trouble.

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