Study Group - Jan 2021 Flex

tayjaycee17tayjaycee17 Member
edited December 2020 in Study Groups 59 karma

Dear All Future Test Takers,

I am trying to start a study group for the upcoming January 2021 LSAT Flex exam.

We are able to do it via Zoom call.

Let me know which days everyone is free and which works best for us so we can get started.


  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    350 karma

    I'm available most days after 6pm Eastern Standard time! In terms of preference, Tuesdays or Fridays work well for me.

  • KayCobb20KayCobb20 Core Member
    7 karma

    Hello, I would like to join, available m-f anytime after 6:30 and any availability on weekends.

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