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Admissions help

JoaoJoao Member
edited December 2020 in Law School Admissions 12 karma

I've been awarded the scholarship (all three years) for a local school, which is great! However, I am still waiting on the rest of my applications which are pending. Am I required to answer the email? I think if I did answer, it would be a lame "this is great news, but I don't know if I will be attending your school" response. Also, I am concerned that if I don't answer somehow the offer will be off the table in a month's time (yet, the deposit is due in April, FAFSA February), but I think this is just anxiety talking more than anything. Anyone care to enlighten me, please?

Thank you, all! I was able to achieve my goal score thanks to the content here and this awesome community, so keep working if you are still in the LSAT process! Best of luck.

Answer or No Answer
  1. Answer or No Answer3 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
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