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Diversity Statement: Should I?

Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
edited December 2020 in Law School Admissions 2249 karma

I'm a girl and I'm Asian but I don't feel that either of those two things had any bearing on my life; should I even write a diversity statement? I feel that my application is missing something if I don't write one, but I don't want to force diversity where there isn't any


  • 1952 karma

    if you have a compelling story to tell how your diversity factors have shaped you, i generally encourage writing a diversity statement. but if you don't feel that this applies to you, that's completely fine, too! you don't need to force it out of you. less is more.
    the last thing you'd want is an insincere diversity statement that ends up hurting your application:

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    if you don't feel like they had any bearing on your life/reasons for pursing law especially then dont write one. they will already see your diversity factors when you fill out your application anyways!

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