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Looking for a 2021 Study Partner/Group

ERamos0321ERamos0321 Yearly Member

Hello All,

My name is Manny, I'm recently reinvesting my time into studying for the LSAT as I had put it off for sometime. I'm looking for a study buddy or even a group of study buddies to help keep us all accountable for our LSAT practice. My idea was to have a set time that we could either go over materials together or blind review practice exams together. I'm not entirely sure, I've always studied solo before, but I feel like having someone else go through this LSAT material with me could be beneficial for us both and keep us motivated to do better and study harder.

I was looking for someone local to me or at the bare minimum in my Timezone (U.S. East) but because Covid pushed everything online it actually works out better that we focus on meeting online. So provided we can agree on a set time to link up it'll be golden and everyone is welcome.

Speaking of schedules I work full time but my weekends are clear and my schedule is somewhat flexible given that I work from home.

My goal is to take the test again in the second half of 2021 although I am taking the April test just as a "lets-see". I hope to hear from you guys! If you're interested reply here or shoot me an email.

Peace, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year. Let's all get into Law School next cycle!

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