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Score Tracker

Crayola99Crayola99 Free Trial Member
in General 17 karma

Is there a way to enter your answers for specific questions you attempt while drilling? It seems that you can only enter results for full preptests


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @Crayola99 said:
    Is there a way to enter your answers for specific questions you attempt while drilling? It seems that you can only enter results for full preptests

    Hi there,

    Yes, you can score a single section via the Answer Sheet. Here are the steps to do this:

    First, tap the "Convert" button on the Digital Tester. See the screenshot below:


    After you "convert" the PrepTest from digital to paper, you will be able to enter your answers via the Answer Sheet. To score a single section without messing up your Analytics, check the box that says "Score without saving" as shown in the screenshot below:


    When you are done entering your answers, tap the blue "Save and Score" button located at the bottom of the page to see your results.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • Crayola99Crayola99 Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    Thanks Juliet! Is there a way to easily enter specific questions that I attempt and solely have them included in the analytics? For example, let's say I attempt grouping games in PT 52-54, am I able to enter the results for these specific games into the tracker and have them included in the analytics without including the rest of the questions I didn't attempt in PT 52-54?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @Crayola99 said:
    Thanks Juliet! Is there a way to easily enter specific questions that I attempt and solely have them included in the analytics? For example, let's say I attempt grouping games in PT 52-54, am I able to enter the results for these specific games into the tracker and have them included in the analytics without including the rest of the questions I didn't attempt in PT 52-54?

    Hi there,

    Sorry, only PrepTests taken as a whole are included in your Analytics. We do not have an option to include Problem Set data in the Analytics.

    Also, we do not have another option to enter answers for specific questions using our Answer Sheet. If you are enrolled in a paid course, you can create custom Problem Sets made up of the questions your would like to drill. Here are the steps to create a custom Problem Set:

    1. Navigate to Problem Sets:
    2. Filter by PrepTests on the "PrepTests To Show" area
    3. Filter by Sections (LG, RC, LR)
    4. Filter further by typing keywords like "pt38 s2" (optional)
    5. Scroll down and mark questions you want to include with the "+" icon on the left
    6. Finally, tap on "Create Problem Set with ... Problems" at the bottom


    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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