LR Speed Issues - to Diagram or not?

By making diagrams for the LR questions, especially the Parallel Method of Reasoning or Sufficient Assumption ones: I get more questions correct in LR. But this causes me to run out of time, and guessing the remaining questions hurts my scores.

Is it a good practice to diagram whenever possible, or do I need to be able to visualize these diagrams mentally, instead of taking the time to write them out?


  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @forthewinwin
    It depends, if you are running out of time and having to guess or not getting a sufficient amount of time on the last questions I would recommend reading the sufficient/parallel reasoning once twice and then move on to other questions because you can always come back if you breeze through the rest of the questions, all the questions are worth one point it is best to pick up the low hanging fruit first. When you are in BR or in practice, I would diagram everything that you did not get correct and if it gave you any sort of trouble, this helped me become faster at diagraming but also trained my brain to diagram in my head. I will still diagram from time to time but it is rare now, but id say the first 20ish PTs i diagramed everything in BR. I would also take a look at your past PTs and see how many of the last 5ish questions you are getting wrong, and look to see if any of those questions you could of got right if you had 30 seconds more or whatever time you spent above what the timer says to spend the parallel/sufficient questions.

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