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Re-taker struggling with limited fresh PT’s. Should I skip cc?

pestroidangopestroidango Member
edited June 2021 in General 32 karma



  • 175 karma

    I would personally go over the games that you've already done, preferably starting with the ones you took longest ago. Because the answers, and to a certain extent the games, are fairly mundane and repetitive, they should feel fairly new. Then go over the LG explanations for those tests and see how close your diagrams were and whether you nailed your inferences.

    I know that 7Sage emphasises purely fresh/unseen tests for practice. This is because even one inference, one stimulus etc that feels familiar has a flow on effect over the entire section and thus inflates your score somewhat.

    Hope this helps a bit

  • pestroidangopestroidango Member
    edited March 2021 32 karma

    @inatejay said:
    I would personally go over the games that you've already done, preferably starting with the ones you took longest ago. Because the answers, and to a certain extent the games, are fairly mundane and repetitive, they should feel fairly new. Then go over the LG explanations for those tests and see how close your diagrams were and whether you nailed your inferences.
    Hope this helps a bit

    This definitely makes sense and it’s actually what I did the last time I studied for the test. I reviewed all the LG i had with over dozens of tests. While I saw improvement, it was still my weakest section and around -6 on average.

    That’s why I figured I must be missing something with the basics and wanted to follow through with the cc. But I know that’s not ideal...sigh. I’m just afraid of doing the same thing and expecting diff results

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