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How similar is Lawhub’s UI to the actual Flex UI?

sammmm93sammmm93 Alum Member
in General 233 karma

I started taking sections on the LSAC’s Lawhub site to try to gain some familiarity with its user interface and one thing that struck me was how difficult it was to use the highlighter tool. I would try highlighting one word and next thing you know half the paragraph was highlighted. Super annoying. This issue occurred during RC sections, which I change the line spacing to its minimum bc is feels easier for me to read. This might very well be the reason for this issue but I’d rather not increase the line spacing.

For those who’ve sat for the digital LSAT/Flex, how similar is Lawhub to the actual test? Did you find difficulty using the highlighter tool like I did on Lawhub?


  • italian_tacoitalian_taco Member
    158 karma

    it's the same thing

  • sammmm93sammmm93 Alum Member
    233 karma

    @italian_taco said:
    it's the same thing

    Thanks! Just read your old post asking sagers if you should be taking PTs on law hub or 7sage and the responses. Curious what approach you recommend taking now?

  • italian_tacoitalian_taco Member
    158 karma

    @sammmm93 said:

    @italian_taco said:
    it's the same thing

    Thanks! Just read your old post asking sagers if you should be taking PTs on law hub or 7sage and the responses. Curious what approach you recommend taking now?

    Hey! All personally I've kept everything in 7sage because of the tracking. I'm taking May 2020 Flex tomorrow and I'm gonna do that on LawHub as like the final practice exam before the real one.

  • FlaviousFlavious Member
    26 karma

    I agree. Their highlighter is absolute garbage.

  • itanajbtitanajbt Member
    13 karma

    Yep like italian_taco said it's the exact same!

  • sammmm93sammmm93 Alum Member
    233 karma

    @italian_taco said:

    @sammmm93 said:

    @italian_taco said:
    it's the same thing

    Thanks! Just read your old post asking sagers if you should be taking PTs on law hub or 7sage and the responses. Curious what approach you recommend taking now?

    Hey! All personally I've kept everything in 7sage because of the tracking. I'm taking May 2020 Flex tomorrow and I'm gonna do that on LawHub as like the final practice exam before the real one.

    Ah okay. Yeah, the analytics on 7sage is so valuable. Well good luck next week!

  • Willa.HaoWilla.Hao Yearly Member
    54 karma

    totally 100%.

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