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Just not seeing progress

rpt802rpt802 Member

I am struggling with logical reasoning, specifically with weaken/strengthen questions. From someone who consistently does well in LR do you have any study tips?


  • 179 karma

    Some questions to ponder about:
    What is your current approach to weaken/strengthen questions?
    Is the struggle during timed questions, BR questions or both?

    I would try re-reviewing the premise/conclusion lesson - this is where I would start and see if this helps. If it does, then move on to re-reviewing support/assumption lessons.

    Struggle is real, but so is success. :smile:

  • MistaTee001MistaTee001 Member
    105 karma

    Hello rpt802,

    Have you performed any timed tests? Or maybe just timed logical reasoning sections? For many people who do not score what they want to in LR, it can often boil down to not having a proper skipping strategy. Spending too much time on questions that you're properly going to get wrong, is not a good use of timing, as you can better spend it on the ones that you will get right. For instance, some people when they do the test, allow themselves to skip two or three (of the hardest) questions. This takes some of the pressure off and allows them to focus more on the ones they will get right.

    I've found there's some merit in reviewing any old PTs that you have done, via blind review, to help yourself recognize some of the consistent patterns that are the trend with LR questions. As Fact_or_Feelings has mentioned, looking at the core curriculum is an excellent way to help shore up any issues you may be having.

    Using the problem set generator to help you drill strengthen/weaken questions on a repetitive basis can also help you.

    Remember, the LSAT can be difficult, but its still a standardized test, it has patterns that you can most-definitely learn and this in turn will help you improve your score. I myself am still going through the learning process and I can tell you, that things do get better, it can just take time.

    Please feel free to message with anymore information - we're all here for you!

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