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Picking a Test Date Advice!

laneybuglaneybug Yearly Member
in General 8 karma

I was rather late to the "I think I want to go to law school" train, and I graduate in the spring of 2022, meaning I am looking to apply for this coming cycle. I have a fantastic GPA but am PTing around a 155 atm. Still fortunate for all of the testing my highschool forced me to do.

I am just a bit worried about what test I should take. I worry that signing up to take June is a bit of an overkill, and that I would be best just working hard for my best score in August. BUT that will have been my first time, and on the off chance I BOMB the August test and need to retake it, I don't know how trying to retake the LSAT in October will go when the semester is in full swing. Furthermore, is that enough time to get my applications in early and set? I am aiming to have every application in before thanksgiving. Thankful for any advice!

Help me pick a test date!
  1. Do I sign up for the June test?10 votes
    1. Sign up for August LSAT and risk having to take it again in October
    2. Sign up for June LSAT so I know what its like but have less time to study


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    So I'm in kind of a similar position in the sense that I decided in February I want to apply for next year. The only reason I'm attempting it in June is because I live somewhere the doesn't have an August exam option (meaning if not June, October is my first chance).

    I think it partially depends on what your goal score is, what your diagnostic was, and how fast you're seeing progress whether the June test is worth a shot. Me trying in June when I may or may not be where I want to be is kind of adding a layer of pressure that I'd rather not have. So if I were you, I'd wait til August.

    Worst case, have all your application materials already prepared, so that all you have to worry about is retaking the test in October if it comes to that. Then, you can hit submit the moment your score is available.

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