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Worried about not improving

fullstopfullstop Member
in General 169 karma

Feeling extremely disheartened in recent days; I always seem to either completely screw up or make silly mistakes on RC/LG. No idea how to break out of this because something or the other always crops up to bring down my score.


  • 438 karma

    You might need to start implementing a process to prevent such mistakes from happening. There are two episodes on the 7sage podcast by other students who have tried this (one by Sami and one by Christopherr). Having a process involves doing things like always checking for floaters after you're done writing down your rules or splitting your game board on LG.

  • andrew.rsnandrew.rsn Alum Member
    831 karma

    First of all, don't fret - we all hit plateaus in one shape or form. And it's so easy to see your score after a test and say "man if only I hadn't made that mistake I would have done so much better" But that doesn't do anyone any good. You have to go beyond the mistake and find the root cause that's causing these mistakes to happen in the first place.

    Have you noticed any trends - such as where these mistakes are coming from? Ie: reading the rules in LG too fast" or "losing focus in RC" The first step in improvement is analyzing your work to find out what is actually going wrong.

    Also, are these "silly mistakes" only happening on timed tests, or also untimed?

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