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PT strategy for June 2021 flex?

Hi all, general question for those preparing to take the June 2021 flex.

I've been PTing using the regular 4-section format, mainly to expose myself to more LR questions. As test week approaches, I've considered PTing in the flex option to better simulate conditions (timing/burnout) on test day.

Has anyone done this, or does anyone have general thoughts on this strategy? I'm interested to see what the community thinks about this as I try to tailor my approach in these last few weeks.


  • ThomasHartThomasHart Core Member
    12 karma

    I recently started doing Flex PTs after doing regular ones for most of my prep. I feel that your strategy makes a lot of sense for learning the content, but in order to get down the timing I wanted to perfectly mimic the testing conditions. Maybe that is dumb, but I've noticed the 15 minute gap is really a blessing in the regular test that you have to account for not being there in the FLEX.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    I would definitely practice the test as FLEX if that is what you are taking. The extra LR section makes for great drilling practice, which you burn by taking the extra section as a PT, which may or may not be problematic for you. Simulating testing conditions as accurately as possible is invaluable!

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