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When am I done with LG?

fin..501fin..501 Member
in Logic Games 125 karma

Wondering what others feel is the right time to call it a day grinding LG sections. If I manage to get -0 on almost every section I try, did I "do it"? Like am I done studying? What if I get -0 on the majority I attempt, but there are still many sections that I haven't attempted?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    I wouldn't say you're done until you have your score in hand, but a consistent -0 is where I would refocus my efforts toward fine tuning and polishing my attack. First, we want to stay fresh/sharp, but I'll address what you're not saying with

    -0 on almost every section


    -0 on the majority I attempt

    which is that you are still losing points in this section.

    Are you as fast as you could be? When you do lose points, why? Is there something you can do to address it? At the end of the day all that matters is our actual score and a point is a point is a point regardless of how we got it.

    Often, those random -1/-2s we just write off as "careless" and our solution is just "dont do that", "just write neater", or "just read the rules better idiot..." ok that last one was more me. What are we saying when we tell ourselves this? "Just have the perfect take." That is neither realistic nor productive. There is a 100% chance you will f something up on the test. Careless errors by definition are things we are not aware of. You aren't going to know they've occurred. So what can we do instead? Allow ourselves the ability to catch those errors by being as fast as possible. You can consistently -0? Great... now do it with 10+ minutes left so you can go back and eliminate all of your unselected answers and dig up those last points.

  • fin..501fin..501 Member
    125 karma

    Thanks! When I lose points now it's pretty much just if I misread something, but only if the misreading still provides a listed answer. I can definitely relate to "read better idiot." I misread stuff relatively often, maybe like every other set, but it usually catches itself by not giving a listed answer. I would estimate that in 1/3 sets I lose a point by misreading. Approx. 1/8 sets I've done recently I'll struggle on a whole game only to realize that I was misreading/skipping a rule, but I can often recover. So yeah my main problem is that I can't read. I guess the next step is to make sure I'm fast/confident enough in my speed that I can comfortably read every rule and question multiple times?

    It's also funny to think about the lost feeling of not understanding a game due to skipping/misreading a rule... It's sort of familiar because it's a feeling I always had when first studying, so I don't always put together that I should double check the rules, I just think "Wow, this is a hard one!" I think I just have to remind myself that I have the fundamental skills to never get lost if I've done everything correctly.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" LOL! Or likely less.

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