I am just getting to the logic games part of the course with 7sage. However I did already complete the Logic Games Bible from Powerscore. I was wondering other people's thoughts on which service has the best (defined in whichever way you want.. quickest.. clearest.. etc) logic games diagramming method. Do you guys pick one or the other? Do you use a hybrid of the two depending on each game? Do you find yourself getting confused between the two? I'd be interested to hear different perspectives on this.
The LSAT Trainer: A remarkable self-study guide for the self-driven student
Kinda tempted to throw down for the 2015-16 edition just to get my hands on that snazzy-jazz Bauhaus cover ...
So yeah, I would say ... definitely don't blow the LG section in the Trainer off without a little dabbling, if you have time and you're not already -0 in LG consistently
Wouldn't you like to draw lovely triangles and squares ??