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How is LR scored on Flex?

Hello! Can someone share how the LR section is scored on the Flex (August)? Ie. is it an average of the two LR sections or do they randomly pick one of the two to score with? Thanks!


  • nfazionfazio Core Member
    13 karma

    i believe the randomly pick one

  • ishaw18ishaw18 Member
    112 karma

    The August administration is not a Flex. The June 2021 was the last official 'Flex' format. Now, moving forward, the August LSAT will include three sections (1 LR, 1 RC, and 1 LG) as well as an additional experimental section as they have done in the past. This section does not count towards your score, but you also will not know which section is experimental. Also, as far as I'm aware, the experimental section can be any of the three subjects, it is not bounded to being an LR section, so there is a chance that an August test taker may see 2 sections of LG or LR or RC.

  • 180energyonly180energyonly Member
    122 karma

    @ishaw18 said:
    The August administration is not a Flex. The June 2021 was the last official 'Flex' format. Now, moving forward, the August LSAT will include three sections (1 LR, 1 RC, and 1 LG) as well as an additional experimental section as they have done in the past. This section does not count towards your score, but you also will not know which section is experimental. Also, as far as I'm aware, the experimental section can be any of the three subjects, it is not bounded to being an LR section, so there is a chance that an August test taker may see 2 sections of LG or LR or RC.

    Ah gotcha thanks for clarifying that. I get confused because all the PTs I've taken so far always have two LR sections. Do you know if the PTs taken on 7Sage give you a score of the average of the two LR sections then? (And in that sense is giving an inaccurate view of how you're doing?)

  • ishaw18ishaw18 Member
    112 karma

    7Sage is perfectly accurate. It grades each section for what you get. So say for example you get -3 on one LR and -2 on the other. (Also assume you get -3 on both RC and LG sections) Then 7Sage, as well as the real LSAT, adds up the sum of all incorrect answers. In our example, you would have -11 overall. There is no averaging of any sections on the LSAT ever, strictly you get counted for what you get correct, and what you get wrong.

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