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Mutual causality in a sentence?

Rev_LefeRev_Lefe Member

I know "These secondary substances give plants their distinctive tastes and smells." contains a causality.

But, what about this twist:
"It is these secondary substances that give plants their distinctive tastes and smells.
Does the twist means a mutual causation? meaning:
These secondary substances <--> what gives plants their distinctive tastes and smells.

Any thoughts or comments will be really appreciated!


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma

    I'm not sure what about that second sentence indicates that the tastes and smells would cause or have a causal impact on the secondary substances. It seems to me to just be a one way causal relationship that uses referential phrasing.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    You're looking for something like "It is only these secondary substances that give plants their distinctive tastes and smells" for the biconditional you indicated, however, this still does not give you cyclical causality. Good opportunity here to learn the difference between conditional and causal relationships.

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