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Help with improving in Logic Games

HopefulJoHopefulJo Member
in Logic Games 76 karma

I’ve been studying for about 1 year now and I’m scoring in the low- to mid-160s, but I’m still averaging around -6 on LG. It’s really frustrating because it seems so easy for other people to improve LG but I feel like I’ve plateaued. My LG was originally really bad, I’ve definitely improved from a year ago but still miss at least 5 questions per section. I’ve worked through all of the Logic Games videos and practice sets in 7Sage and now I just try to do random practice sets. I’m improving on my time management but I still seem to find myself running out of time at the end of the section. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    Hi there, games are giving me a hard time also. Are you foolproofing?

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