PT4.S4.Q04 - It is more desirable to have some form of socialized medicine...

cat_z_hpycat_z_hpy Member
edited July 2021 in Logical Reasoning 12 karma


can anyone explain why B is wrong?


  • nnnnnnzzzznnnnnnzzzz Member
    177 karma

    The stimulus never told about the economic system. Being desirable may be due to other factors other than being economical.

  • 31 karma

    Premise: lower infant mortality in socialized medicine system
    Conclusion: Socialized medicine system is techonologically superior
    Task: Find the loophole, which means we need something like "the lower infant mortality does not result from superior techonology, there must be other reasons"

    B is wrong because the term shift from socialized medicine system to economic system of socialism. And I assume "no necessary connection" does not preclude the possibility that in some cases there can be some degree of causal relation between socialism and techonology. Thus B is not strong enough to hurt the argument in the stimulus.

    Let me know if I am wrong.

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