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Shout out to JY

Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
in General 578 karma
Before I forget, I want to make a point of thanking JY for his generous efforts of posting all those logic game videos to Youtube for anyone to see. This has been the main reason my LG score improved from like -15 to almost perfect every time.

Unlike written self-study material, I can play this guy in the car, at the gym, at work (sometimes), etc. and get a lot more studying done than I would have if those videos weren't available.

I previously used Powerscore Logic Games Bible, and was doing OK on that, but when I found these videos was when it all really started clicking because I could hear someone else talking about it and explaining it.

Thanks man!


  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Yeah, J.Y's explanations are a life saver! It's so much more helpful when someone is diagramming and explaining everything in full detail, like he does.
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