Hi! I am scheduled to take the June test on Monday, though I don't think I will hit my goal score. I have been PTing 168-170 (but dipping as low as 166), and I really would like to get a 171-173. This means that I am going to give it a shot on Monday, but I am planning to take the test again in the fall or winter since I know I can still improve. I have only been studying for 3 weeks.
HOWEVER! My question is - if I purchased a course, would it be easily modified to take less time considering that I am already very familiar with the test? I lose most points in LG but can lose 2-3 in the other sections as well, but it seems like the bulk of the course is covering not-LG stuff which I don't necessarily want to spend weeks and weeks re-learning. Thanks for any advice that anyone can provide before I decide to purchase!