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Practice Sections

TayyabaRTayyabaR Member
edited August 2021 in General 19 karma

Does anyone know if 7sage has a section for where you can just take practice sections? I know I could take a practice test and only one section but I don't know what the section type is until I start.
What I'm looking for is a place to only do LR/RC?LG test sections to build endurance and speed.


  • dicino63dicino63 Core Member
    142 karma

    LSAT Questions > Problem Sets
    You can select which section type you want and even specify by the question type you want.

  • Theo - Student ServiceTheo - Student Service Member Moderator Student Services
    869 karma

    Hi @TayyabaR,

    Problem Sets will allow you to take single sections (LR, RC, LG) from any PrepTest that was ever published.

    If you aren't familiar with the custom problem set interface, here are more detailed instructions on how to do this:

    1. Navigate to Problem Sets.
    2. Filter PrepTests to show
    3. Filter Sections (LG, RC, or LR)
    4. Filter tags by tapping (optional)
    5. Filter further by typing keywords like "pt36" (optional)
    6. Tap the plus icon at the leftmost column to add all the questions, or scroll down and mark 7. the questions you want to include with the Plus icon on the left
    7. Finally, tap on "Create Problem Set with ... questions" located at the bottom of the page

    In this example, I created a custom Problem Set for the Logic Game section of PrepTest 59.

    I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • TayyabaRTayyabaR Member
    19 karma


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