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Letter of Recommendations

aeh_aliaeh_ali Core Member

I think I'm stressing myself out too much about this tbh but need some opinions.

I started working at a law office mid june and its great experience but STRESSFUL. I'm planning on applying in late oct which would give me roughly 4 months with the office.... which is fine on a resume as a recent grad but.... would it be great on a recommendation? moreover would it look BAD to not have a recommendation? would it be something to write in the addendum... on I didn't ask because I'd only been there four months?

I'm also planning on getting a LOR from the head of my program and a research advisor - but I think im stressing out too much about having my boss write me one. I know I could get three strong letters of recommendations from professors/research advisors/various university people...

Let me know if you have an opinion please!!


  • rahman.faisal16rahman.faisal16 Core Member
    27 karma

    Does your current company know you are only going to be there for a short period of time? If not, then it might irritate them that you are leaving so soon, which would make it a little more difficult to ask for a recommendation.

    Let's say that they do know you are leaving. Asking your boss to write an LOR is 100% based on your relationship with her. If you are a hard worker, don't make excuses, get your work done on time and do it well, and your boss recognizes this, then you are in a better spot to ask that question. As along as your supervisor can articulate why you would be a good candidate for whatever school you are applying to, I don't think that being there for only four months is going to hurt you. In my humble opinion (I just left the corporate world after 7.5 years to pursue law school), LORs from previous or current supervisors greatly enhance one's application.

  • aeh_aliaeh_ali Core Member
    20 karma

    Thank you!! I'm not planning on leaving rather then I'll have only been there 4 months when I apply. But this was really helpful thanks :)

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