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How do you get the test finished on time?

timbond97timbond97 Core Member
edited August 2021 in General 39 karma

Every time I take a timed test I don't get to finish the last section of RC and often the last section of the LG too. There just seems to be too little time, and I worry about it during the test, which also costs time. Anyone has any strategies for finishing on time?


  • MissionLsatMissionLsat Member
    edited August 2021 379 karma

    As more you get familiar with the concepts and pattern the faster you will be getting. So what may seem a speed issue now may be actually an incomplete understanding of the test. So just keep practicing and learning, speed will increase eventually.

  • 141 karma

    RC timing is tough - there are many words to read and few minutes. For me a big improvement in speed came from remembering/marking where to look for specific keywords/themes. Instead of trying to jam every last detail from the passage into my head during the first read (which usually doesn't work), I'd quickly read through the passage and highlight key phrases and themes as well as words that denote the author's attitude so I can quickly pivot to them when asked.

    For the LR section - the first 10-15 questions tend to be formulaic and easier to solve quick with enough practice. The timed drills in the CC are awesome for prepping for this part. With enough practice you should be able to get through the first 15 in 15 minutes. That'll leave you enough time to work through the harder problems (as well as parallel method questions that tend to be really long) which definitely need more time.

  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    edited August 2021 445 karma

    Have you rigorously gone through JY's core curriculum?

    • If yes: try to rely on your intuition on LR and RC and don't think too much about why each wrong answer is wrong during timed prep (that's why Blind Review is there for). Also, foolproof the Logic Games afterwards.

    • If not: immediately stop doing timed PT's, go through JY's core curriculum and don't even think about doing another timed PT until you've reached >90% accuracy on untimed LR and RC Psets from PT 1-35 and foolproofed all Logic Games from PT 1-35.

    In case it is the latter: please don't rush with that and really do it rigorously (this took me 1-1.5 months, as a reference point). If you don't achieve high accuracy untimed, there is absolutely no way you'll achieve it under time constraints.

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