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October or November

Juper1234Juper1234 Member
in General 112 karma

I took the August test and I don't feel very confident about it so I registered for the October test. I am wondering whether it would be better to reschedule for November so I can have an extra month to study and improve even more. The only thing I am worried about is that if it would be considered late to apply in December. I really feel that my LR and LG are starting to click and my best scores in each section are -2 and -3, the only area I struggle with is RC. I feel that if I invest an extra month to RC, I may be able to bring it down to between -5 and -8. What would you guys do? Thanks


  • rd2dwdtbxcrd2dwdtbxc Member
    23 karma

    Your numbers look amazing, I would keep that October date so you can have the November test as back up incase you want to retake it.

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