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Should I skip problem sets?

PrinceofPersiaPrinceofPersia Live Member
in General 12 karma

So here's some context:
I started studying for LSAT 2 weeks ago and got a 158 on my diagnostic. Main weakness being RC (by far).
And I want to know if it's a good idea to skip through parts of core curriculum like the LR problem sets to quickly get to sections I actually struggle on. I'm planning to take LSAT during next cycle.
Thank you all


  • Hey, according to their podcast, you are supposed to only do a few of the problem sets each time and move on to the next part of the core curriculum. When you finish the entire curriculum, or notice yourself continuing to have particular difficulty with a Q type, then go back and do a few of the remaining problem sets for that type.

  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    445 karma

    For LR, I would suggest to skip the psets already prepared by 7sage. Though, you should definitely aim to master accuracy before you dive into timed PT.

    What worked for me was to create my own psets: I picked all 4- or 5-bubble-questions (sometimes 5 only, depending on the overall size of the category) for each question type, and tried to answer them all without timing. The goal for each question is to:

    • articulate a reasoning why the right AC is right
    • articulate a reasoning why each wrong AC is wrong.

    Aim for 90+% accuracy or so before even thinking about timed PT.

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