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What’s The Best Way to Reset During 10 Min Break During LSAT?

Is there a technique you all use to help reset your brains after you get done doing the first two sections?

I’ve noticed my second LR section score is always almost lower than my first section because I start feeling burned out. Does anyone have a solid technique that helps them reset mentally during the midway break?


  • 124 karma

    This might sound silly but hear me out: Eat a popsicle. If it's small enough, you can eat the whole thing in 10 minutes. The cold brings me back to life and eating the popsicle distracts my mind from whatever just happened. My personal choice is chocolate. If you have a couple of minutes to spare towards the end of the break, I also recommend 5 deep breaths while stretching your neck. But the popsicle is the star.

  • yeasm22syeasm22s Member
    217 karma

    This is what I did during my test in Aug. Use bathroom, take a few bites of chocolate, drink a couple of sips of water, close eyes and do breathing exercise.

  • phosita_phoeatahphosita_phoeatah Yearly Member
    238 karma

    Wait, we are allowed to both 1) eat and 2) use the bathroom? For whatever reason, I thought it was limited to water in clear container only.

    Could someone provide list to the actual allowed actions/items, as I must have read the wrong list the first time around.

    Thanks in advance

  • JMPlaw19JMPlaw19 Member
    144 karma

    @phosita_phoeatah said:
    Wait, we are allowed to both 1) eat and 2) use the bathroom? For whatever reason, I thought it was limited to water in clear container only.

    Could someone provide list to the actual allowed actions/items, as I must have read the wrong list the first time around.

    Thanks in advance

    well they wont see what you do off camera lol, you just have to redo the room scan whenever you come back

  • 41 karma

    why do they care if we drink coffee during the test lmao

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    How do breaks work for the flex, are you allowed to leave the room? For some reason I thought they'd make you stay there.

  • phosita_phoeatahphosita_phoeatah Yearly Member
    238 karma

    @JMPlaw19 said:

    well they wont see what you do off camera lol, you just have to redo the room scan whenever you come back

    I mean, I'd love to use the loo, make myself an espresso, and chomp on half a clif bar, but i was under the impression that all three are not allowed?

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    You are absolutely allowed to leave the room, but BE SURE you are back in front of your computer before the 10 minutes is up or your test will be cancelled. It was only during the FLEX that you couldn't leave the room (this was the reason it was only 3 sections instead of the previous 5, and current 4).

  • @Independent1821 said:
    This might sound silly but hear me out: Eat a popsicle. If it's small enough, you can eat the whole thing in 10 minutes. The cold brings me back to life and eating the popsicle distracts my mind from whatever just happened. My personal choice is chocolate. If you have a couple of minutes to spare towards the end of the break, I also recommend 5 deep breaths while stretching your neck. But the popsicle is the star.

    Even though it does sound a little silly, I think it's absolutely brilliant! Can I ask where the popsicle technique came from?

    My goal for this thread was to figure out a way I could take my mind off of the test quickly with as little mental energy spent in doing so, and eating a popsicle, (chocolate nonetheless) seems like a surefire way to do this!

    TBH I am actually stoked to try this!

  • phosita_phoeatahphosita_phoeatah Yearly Member
    edited September 2021 238 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    You are absolutely allowed to leave the room, but BE SURE you are back in front of your computer before the 10 minutes is up or your test will be cancelled. It was only during the FLEX that you couldn't leave the room (this was the reason it was only 3 sections instead of the previous 5, and current 4).

    Thank you.

    For whatever reason, I thought the FLEX designation applied to all tests with 3 scored sections, but it appears it applies only to the ones without the unscored variable section.

    I'm definitely going to be trying some of the things suggested. Popsicles sound like a good way to go.

    Also, LSAC's clarifications on the 10-minute break here:

  • JScherrmanJScherrman Member
    26 karma

    During the August test I ate an apple and laid on the floor with my two rabbits. It sounds a little silly, but for me I think it was the perfect snack as well as the best way for my mind to reset. I would recommend something similar, eat a small snack and do something to make you forget where you're at for a minute or two (just not too long to miss the time to be back).

  • 124 karma

    @Christopherrobles210 said:

    Even though it does sound a little silly, I think it's absolutely brilliant! Can I ask where the popsicle technique came from?

    My goal for this thread was to figure out a way I could take my mind off of the test quickly with as little mental energy spent in doing so, and eating a popsicle, (chocolate nonetheless) seems like a surefire way to do this!

    TBH I am actually stoked to try this!

    Sorry for the late response! I hadn't eaten popsicles since I was a kid, but I randomly picked them from the supermarket one day. They filled me with so many happy memories while eating them that I decided to start having one mid-LSAT lol. I hope it worked for you!

  • cpeaks13cpeaks13 Core Member
    497 karma

    @Independent1821 love this. trying it on sunday haha

  • Manik PanicManik Panic Core Member
    edited November 2021 111 karma

    --damn my bad the actual test.
    --not for prep.
    --yeah... you cannot do most that stuff... write during the exam or open youtube.
    --semi drunk when i wrote this. 9000 dollar day. my bad.

    ---good question. maybe a quick transcendental guided meditation or a progressive tension relaxation technique, is a good way, to reset.
    --I had (and or have) horrible anxiety esp when I was younger, and I mean I practiced those for years. --I kind of reverse engineer everything to fit ADHD/anxiety.
    --If I practice meditations for a few mo, I can do them in my head. with work and the like, I'd probably need a video or a mp3 at times.
    -- or if I really had everything together, maybe I'd journal it quickly, and come back after scoring it. --like, "I faltered on this question.... it was a or e, it cannot be ...", then after scoring it, see where my mistakes were and my rationale was wrong. take care, good luck!

    -- @Jscherman, I wish I could relax like you... I never ate like pre any exam from like hs to bio sci to econ... to my prev lsat attempt. I'm always fasted. I've had friends like that tho.
    --I may need to have a snack that day, some liquid sugar at least with a coffee.
    -although it is a long ish exam... eating may be in order. I'll definitely exercise.
    --last year it was kind of messed up... all these rules ... can't see half my family, this stupid pandemic., they're all docs. it'll be better writing it this time. --and i think that i'll do better ... considering some excellent work exp (financial rtns)/ defi/ trading etc. --now i can write it like who cares but still, i'll treat it seriously.

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    606 karma

    I crank out pushups. Oxygenate your brain + endorphins.

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    616 karma

    stretching :) whatever is a good distraction for you. i think the real goal is just to avoid constantly replaying the first two sections in your mind. good luck!

  • GenTheJudgeGenTheJudge Core Member
    60 karma

    @Independent1821 said:
    This might sound silly but hear me out: Eat a popsicle. If it's small enough, you can eat the whole thing in 10 minutes. The cold brings me back to life and eating the popsicle distracts my mind from whatever just happened. My personal choice is chocolate. If you have a couple of minutes to spare towards the end of the break, I also recommend 5 deep breaths while stretching your neck. But the popsicle is the star.

    Went to target yesterday just for popsicles. What a fantastic tip thank you

  • I had a bite or two out of like 3 snacks that i couldn't pick between, drank water, used the restroom and paced back and forth til the timer stopped lol
    The pacing SOUNDS bad and anxiety ridden but i think it helped me get my nerves out and helped me stay grounded and calmed me down

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