Tells you the difficulty level from 1-5 (easiest to hardest).
Each corresponds to a specific section. This is additional information beyond the difficulty level noted for each question. This is helpful in anaylzing your performance on a test.
Psg Difficulty = RC difficulty for each passage (note all questions for a particular passage will have the same level in this column)
Game Difficulty= LG difficulty for each game (note all questions for a particular game will have the same level in this column)
S= overall LR section difficulty
Thanks for the explanation, but I'm thick headed and I'm still not understanding completely. If I could ask another question?
For example: Let's say a single LR question has a question difficulty of 1/5 bubbles (aka easiest) and also has a "Psg/Game/S/Difficulty" of 3/5 bubbles (aka medium). Now, in this instance, would that mean that this specific question is a 1/5 difficult level question that lives within a 3/5 difficult level overall section?
@hotranchsauce said:
Thanks for the explanation, but I'm thick headed and I'm still not understanding completely. If I could ask another question?
For example: Let's say a single LR question has a question difficulty of 1/5 bubbles (aka easiest) and also has a "Psg/Game/S/Difficulty" of 3/5 bubbles (aka medium). Now, in this instance, would that mean that this specific question is a 1/5 difficult level question that lives within a 3/5 difficult level overall section?
I'm pretty sure that's exactly it. The question difficulty relates to that question alone, whereas the Psg/Game/S/Difficulty is the overall difficulty of the section as a whole.
Tells you the difficulty level from 1-5 (easiest to hardest).
Each corresponds to a specific section. This is additional information beyond the difficulty level noted for each question. This is helpful in anaylzing your performance on a test.
Psg Difficulty = RC difficulty for each passage (note all questions for a particular passage will have the same level in this column)
Game Difficulty= LG difficulty for each game (note all questions for a particular game will have the same level in this column)
S= overall LR section difficulty
Thanks for the explanation, but I'm thick headed and I'm still not understanding completely. If I could ask another question?
For example: Let's say a single LR question has a question difficulty of 1/5 bubbles (aka easiest) and also has a "Psg/Game/S/Difficulty" of 3/5 bubbles (aka medium). Now, in this instance, would that mean that this specific question is a 1/5 difficult level question that lives within a 3/5 difficult level overall section?
I'm pretty sure that's exactly it. The question difficulty relates to that question alone, whereas the Psg/Game/S/Difficulty is the overall difficulty of the section as a whole.