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Waved or Unwaved Letter of Recommendations?

2025FutureEsq2025FutureEsq Core Member
edited September 2021 in Law School Admissions 102 karma

Hello everyone!

Just curious on whether or not I should wave my right to view my letter of recommendations on my LSAC account. Does viewed LORs hold less weight to law schools than ones that are waved?


Letter of Recommendations
  1. Does viewing an LOR matter to admissions?46 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. answer


  • AngR.567AngR.567 Member
    85 karma

    I think some admissions boards might hold waived LORs in higher regard (compared to un-waived) because they know that what was written was the honest, uninfluenced opinion of the recommender. Some recommenders (if not most) also prefer you to waive the right to view the letter because it shows that you trust them enough to write you a great LOR.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    I attended a panel of 6 Admissions officers from law schools all over the country, they all resoundingly agreed that LOR review should be waived. It was one of very few items on which there was a clear consensus. Also, @"AngR.567", excellent points to further illustrate the reasons to waive.

  • 2025FutureEsq2025FutureEsq Core Member
    102 karma

    @"AngR.567" said:
    I think some admissions boards might hold waived LORs in higher regard (compared to un-waived) because they know that what was written was the honest, uninfluenced opinion of the recommender. Some recommenders (if not most) also prefer you to waive the right to view the letter because it shows that you trust them enough to write you a great LOR.

    Makes sense, thank you for your input!

  • 2025FutureEsq2025FutureEsq Core Member
    102 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    I attended a panel of 6 Admissions officers from law schools all over the country, they all resoundingly agreed that LOR review should be waived. It was one of very few items on which there was a clear consensus. Also, @"AngR.567", excellent points to further illustrate the reasons to waive.

    Thank you so much for the information!

  • aforlawschoolaforlawschool Member
    23 karma

    Definitely waive! However, do note that what you are waiving is the right to view your LOR from LSAC itself. You are NOT waiving the right to view your LOR if the recommender chooses to send it to you directly. You would not be violating any rules by having a copy/having a recommender send you the LOR directly.

  • CashhhyyyCashhhyyy Core Member
    583 karma

    I saw that it "highly recommended" me to say yes waive, so I just waived it

  • BooheredBoohered Member
    56 karma

    Always waive right to view letters of rec when applying to grad school. They view it as bad if you do not, and it does have an effect on admissions. This is one of those weird things that makes it harder for people who do not have higher degrees in the family to be successful in grad school. People oddly do not broadcast that it is taboo not to waive your right to view, but it is, and you should.

  • 2025FutureEsq2025FutureEsq Core Member
    102 karma

    Thank you everyone for your responses and advice, cleared up a lot for me! Good luck on apps everyone!

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