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Question regarding applications

Hi guys,

I hope you’re all doing well to crush the LSAT!

I’ve got a question in regards to applications. I’m from Canada and planning to apply for law schools in the states. With most Canadian law schools their deadline is November 1st! As for the American law schools, they have different deadlines - mostly in February, march 2022 onwards. Can I still write the LSAT in January and have a chance to get in for 2022? I am kind of confused with how the American applications work?


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Former admissions officer here. If applying to US schools, I would recommend that you get your strongest possible application submitted as early as possible. Whether a program will accept a January LSAT will depend on the school. Some school websites will explicitly state the last LSAT they will consider. Since most schools use rolling admissions, the admissions committee will be filling their incoming class according to their enrollment priorities through the cycle which begins when the application goes live in August/September. The later in the cycle you apply, fewer spots remain in the incoming class and the committee will be more selective in their review to meet their remaining enrollment priorities. Good luck!

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