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Letters of Rec Question

Hi! Trying to crowdsource some opinions on this: I have a strong letter of rec on hand from an internship that directly aligns with my future legal career interests. The letter doesn't recommend me for law school specifically and instead recommends me for future endeavors in general. Unfortunately, the internship was two years ago and the letter writer has since gone into retirement. I am having the current intern coordinator upload the letter to LSAC, but am wondering if admissions committees will disregard the letter somewhat if it's not positioned for law school. Basically, should I pull my former boss out of retirement for a bit to update my letter, or is it okay to submit an otherwise strong recommendation?


  • andrew.rsnandrew.rsn Alum Member
    edited October 2021 831 karma

    I would recommend that you reach out to your former boss and have them update your letter to make it more law school specific. I have a feeling admissions officers are expert BS detectors and can tell whether someone is reusing an old letter or rather put in the effort to reach out to bosses/professors. I'm sure they won't mind updating it and discussing why they think you would be an excellent law school student -in fact they might be happy to have something to do!

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