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7Sage Course Levels

blueyayfreeblueyayfree Alum Member
in General 164 karma
I just finished going through the entirety of the core curriculum (ah if only that was all it takes). I have the basic course, and I'm looking for input on the whether upgrading is worth it given that all the tools, so to speak, are provided with the basic version. The price isn't an issue, nor is my cognizance of the potential ROI; just curious what you all think.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you are keen on having explanations for everything and you have the money, then I say go for it. While people may not see as much value as when the PDFs were included, the real value here is in the expertise espoused in the curriculum and explanations, so I think given the means to do so, it will give you more peace of mind to have all the explanations.
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