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Paying it forward: Free LSAT materials

sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
edited November 2021 in Study Guides/Cheat Sheets 1488 karma

My LSAT journey has, at long last, come to an end and I have several books that are now in need of new homes. As I am in Seattle and shipping is expensive for the heavy tomes, I will only be offering them for local pickup. One per customer, and please only request if you are unable to afford these on your own. I know some LSAT materials can be cost prohibitive, it is my hope to mitigate that for a few folks. Here's what I've got:
-The Loophole in Logical Reasoning
-10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests (52-61)
-PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible (2015 edition)
-PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible Workbook (2015 edition)
-The Fox LSAT Logic Games Playbook

Please PM me to request, again, only if in the Seattle area!


  • WickedLostWickedLost Member
    481 karma

    I have no need for the books but I just wanted to say congrats on your LSAT journey being over! I've noticed you post really insightful and thoughtful comments on this forum and I'm sure it's been helpful to many!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Thanks @WickedLost ! That makes my day! :)

  • Determined_-1Determined_-1 Member
    924 karma

    Congratulations boss lady!! Hope you'll be making a big advice post sometime soon. Your comments and DMs were so helpful to me!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    @Determined_ aw, thanks! Always happy to help when I can! I’ll get on that post, when my essays are done ;)

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