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Update to Big Law School Info Doc

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
edited January 2022 in Law School Admissions 7395 karma

We've updated our big law school info doc with the latest stats for every school, a year-over-year comparison of those stats, and more. Here's a video that walks you through it:

Here's the doc:


  • tapny1tapny1 Alum Member
    181 karma

    Absolutely helpful- thank you!!

  • JustinianJustinian Core Member
    edited December 2021 13 karma

    Quick question - Are the GPAs in transcript GPA form or in CAS GPA form?

    This is extremely helpful! Thank you so much!

  • jhipshirjhipshir Member
    38 karma

    So these percentages of students that receive tuition, half or more, full tuition, and greater than full tuition, where does that information come from and how sure are we that it is reported accurately?

  • jhipshirjhipshir Member
    38 karma

    Oopse, nevermind. I went through it on my own, but the walkthrough video explains all of this! (In the first 10 seconds no less) ^^^

  • RelentlessRelentless Core Member
    384 karma

    Thank you this is very helpful! As an international student, I have to commend 7Sage for being more than worth the money I spend on its membership. =)

  • blackmamba-2blackmamba-2 Live Member
    97 karma

    David, this is an awesome resource! Thank you for posting!

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