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Blind Review for my First diagnostics if I have not finished the Core lessons

Harvard101Harvard101 Alum Member
in General 7 karma

If this is my first ever diagnostic exam of the LSAT, should I really do the BR, since I have yet to finish some of the core lessons. I have already started the BR, but I feel it’s not helpful because some questions I am just not sure about. I can’t really do the BR for it if I haven’t even understood the lesson yet.

BR for first Diagnostics
  1. Should I do Blind Review for my First diagnostics if I have not finished the Core lessons36 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No, get your score and do it on the next diagnostics test once I finish the core curriculum


  • Scott MilamScott Milam Member Administrator Moderator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1348 karma

    I would not BR your diagnostic, but I would BR every PT after it.

    BR is a useful tool to diagnose whether you are missing questions because of timing or because you don’t know the material. That can be very useful as you decide what parts of the Core Curriculum to emphasize. If you are strong on your BR of weakening questions, you might not do all the practice questions for that section. On the other hand, if you missed lots of PSA questions on BR as well as your actual, it would be smart to milk that section for all it’s worth!

    Incidentally, BR doesn’t need to take hours and hours. Remember, you are just trying to answer the question, “How well would I have done on this section if time wasn’t a factor?” Answer the questions you didn’t get to, spend real time on the ones you know you were unsure about and briefly glance at the rest to ensure you didn’t completely misread. Generally, I spent no more than 2 hours on BR for a PT.

  • Harvard101Harvard101 Alum Member
    7 karma

    Thank you so much!

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