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Large variation in PT scores

lily2644lily2644 Alum Member
in General 17 karma

So, last week I took a practice test and scored a 171, which I was pretty surprised about. I've taken about 4-5 PTs in all and expected to be around the mid 160s given my previous scores.
Today, I took another test and got a 165.
Long story short, is it normal to have this type of fluctuation, or was the 171 a fluke? Do you all experience that type of change in score as well?

I felt equally confident during both, and I'm feeling discouraged now that my score didn't increase as much as I thought it had :(


  • vspicy23vspicy23 Member
    190 karma

    This is SO common. I think it depends on the tests you've been taking cos I know certain tests people tend to score a lot higher than usual

  • 284 karma

    5-6 point fluctuations is what I experienced as well. The key is to keep working to get the fluctuations lower and lower, hence more consistent! Don’t get discouraged, you are scoring top 5%! > @lilianayearns said:

    So, last week I took a practice test and scored a 171, which I was pretty surprised about. I've taken about 4-5 PTs in all and expected to be around the mid 160s given my previous scores.
    Today, I took another test and got a 165.
    Long story short, is it normal to have this type of fluctuation, or was the 171 a fluke? Do you all experience that type of change in score as well?

    I felt equally confident during both, and I'm feeling discouraged now that my score didn't increase as much as I thought it had :(

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