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Should I retake in April or June for waitlist/scholarships this cycle?

Nharris23Nharris23 Core Member

The title says it all really. I have already taken the LSAT twice in February and April of 2021 (first at 158 second at 159).I have been accepted at 2 schools and waitlisted at 2 in this cycle. I applied during the priority binding decision deadline at my number 1 school and was waitlisted there. Of the 2 schools who have accepted me 1 gave me a half off tuition scholarship and the other did not give me any scholarship. So my question is, should I retake the LSAT in April or push it back until June? I am worried that April won't be enough time to insure that I raise my score to my desired 165 range. But I am also worried that if I push it off until June I will be too late in the cycle for it to matter if I improve my score. My goal is either: to be removed and admitted from the waitlist at my number 1 school, or to be given a scholarship at the one that did not give me one (its in my hometown so I would not have to move). Any information or thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Should I retake in April or June for waitlist/scholarships this cycle?
  1. What should I do?4 votes
    1. Retake in April and hope I can improve my score in a shorter amount of time.
    2. Retake in June and hope that I am not to late in the cycle for it to matter.
    3. Not retake at all and let the cards fall as they may.
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