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Lowest Score

marbuckle08marbuckle08 Core Member
in General 29 karma

So, I just got done with the June 2007 Prep Test, early in the course and received the lowest score I have ever gotten on any LSAT test. Anyone else have this happen? Kind of discouraging and am just trying to figure it out


  • casablanca-1casablanca-1 Core Member
    86 karma

    Keep working at it! Sometimes its just one of those exams but I'm sure if you keep pushing your score will go up and possibly higher than it was before

  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    Don't even sweat it. BR the test, start a wrong answer journal and keep pushing through the course and learning.

  • nbattat1nbattat1 Member
    edited May 2022 21 karma

    Same here. I was PTing at 165 took the June one and dropped to 157. Not sure what happened, I think it was because I printed out the exam and was wasting like 7 extra seconds per question to find the bubble I wanted to select on my computer. Those seconds accumulated to make me have like 3 minutes left for the last 5 questions of every section.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    During your studies, you will find some prep tests to be “harder” than others. This can be because a prep test focuses more on some LR question types you struggle with, asks unusual LR or LG questions, or a number of different factors. Also, sometimes you just have an off-day. Don’t worry about it! All that matters is that you continue learning and improving in your weak areas. A single PT score means almost nothing.

  • 7 karma

    i took the June 2007 today, im scoring 160 usually got a 155. wrote down all the questions I got wrong, re answered them without knowing previous answer or correct answer, and scored a 162. It seemed I wasn't reading carefully. It felt like the language was more difficult than usual

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