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How should my friend and I go about studying?

My friend and I are planning on maybe meeting once or twice a week in person to study together. I am wondering what you would think is the best way to go about the studying. Should we watch the videos ourselves, and then when we meet, we go over practice questions relating to that specific section? Should we separately do the practice questions then discuss our answers? Should we do each one together and bounce ideas around? Should we do something else with our time that may be more efficient? I'd love to hear what you are doing or what you have done. Hope everyone is welI. Thanks :)


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    If you're in the PTing phase, many people like to take PTs by themselves then do blind review with a partner/partners. If you're not in the PT phase and just doing problem sets, I'd recommend doing practice sets separately then coming together to discuss issues you ran into, questions you have, and questions you found challenging. Regardless of the phase of your studies, I think reviewing questions would be more useful than doing them together!

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