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Leading up to test day

Taking the June LSAT this Saturday. I have been taking as many tests as I can recently, taking PT 92 today and getting my highest score. I have 2 more full days before test day. What do y'all suggest one does in these upcoming days? I was planning on taking another PT tomorrow and then taking a break the day before the test. I am starting to think I should not take another PT and keep my confidence up with the one I took today. I do know that there is room for improvement for my PT scores, so should I try to maximize that before test day, or is it too close to make any progress?

Also, what kind of advice would you give for test day? My test is at 1pm, so what would you recommend I do that morning?


  • 13 karma

    Wow I'm in exactly the same boat as you! I'm gearing up for Saturday and I just took PT 92 today as well. Honestly I'm just going to try to relax the next two days and not study at all. I feel like the benefit of resting outweighs any potential gains from studying. Personally I plan on waking up at the normal time, eating, exercising, and watching TV or something to keep my mind off the test. I just feel like a relaxed, confident mindset is key. In any case, good luck!

  • Emily SloanEmily Sloan Member
    84 karma

    I am also doing my LSAT Saturday! I have been recommended to not study the day before, or the day of, aside from a few questions to "warm up." So like @"reynard muldrake" said above, I will also be relaxing, getting a good nights sleep, making it to the gym in the morning, and having some full nutritious meals before! Maybe set aside some time tomorrow to review and evaluate your weaknesses if anything? Good luck.

  • aysoliman1aysoliman1 Yearly Member
    64 karma

    I am taking the test tomorrow. I took my last PT on the Friday before the exam, and have spent the past week doing practice sections, reviewing my wrong answer journal, finalizing my procedure for how to handle certain question types, as well as reviewing critical concepts like conditional logical indicators.

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