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Should I take another exam before the real one on Saturday?

pegahnasrollpegahnasroll Member
in General 117 karma


Kind of just wondering the question above. I really want to take a full exam today, but I think if I bomb it/score lower than I have been that might mess with my head a bit. Im wondering if maybe I should just do four random sections from random PT's so that way I don't actually get a 'score' so it can't mess with my head. Any advice? Not sure if im just gonna burn myself out for the exam on Saturday.


  • TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
    130 karma

    Don't please

  • Haoyu1157Haoyu1157 Member
    4 karma

    In June I took a PT and got 173, then I just stop practicing for 4 days until my real test. I got a 171 at last. I believe it is more important to be comfident and less pressure before the test. Good Luck anyway :smiley:

  • Jmenpac2010Jmenpac2010 Member
    33 karma

    Honestly the skills and the time you've spent studying up until this point are already engrained in your head so if it helps you calm your nerves to take another test, then do it. But, just relax because at this point you just have to rely on the effort you've put forward. Studying super hard from now till Saturday will do nothing but increase your chances of burn out. I'd take it super easy if you do decide to take the pt.

  • KbrookssKbrookss Member
    106 karma

    If you absolutely have to take a practice test. Take it untimed. Just go through each question and your thought process of how you will tackle each question.

  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    So glad this question got asked! My answer is do not! What is the purpose of a full length PT? We do this as a diagnostic function - to assess how we're doing and if we're improving. Well, that's not terribly helpful right before your real test. You're not going to revamp your studying or change anything major in the week before the test. All it can do is mess you up psychologically.

    But it's still important to get some practice in and to feel like you're being prepared. So what I would do instead is to just do some individual sections. Or maybe even just do an RC passage, a collection of 3-4 LR questions, a game, etc. Just taper leading up to the test and don't overwhelm yourself.

  • matt.hip595matt.hip595 Core Member
    62 karma

    Im just taking practice sections and reviewing them before my exam on Saturday. The day before I'm going to do 2 reading comp passages and 1 analytical reasoning, then at night before I'm actually going to take some Drills in mid/hard logic games because thats my strongest area. I'm not doing a whole practice test just areas I need focus on.

  • favittabnfavittabn Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    I wouldn't. But sending you luck!

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