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Tutor for October 2022 Test

jennifer.levito-1-1jennifer.levito-1-1 Core Member
in General 16 karma

Looking to score over a 160. Just took the August test and got a 152.

I did Princeton Review and Kaplan and was not a fan of either. I need a structured study plan to get me to my goal. Needs to be flexible.

Weakest section is Logic Reasoning. The strongest is Logic Games, but I want to get my LG down to (-2) max. I'm anywhere from a -0 to -5 on an LG section.


  • snowcap007snowcap007 Member
    180 karma

    You can really utilize 7Sage to perfect LG. It took me three weeks to get through their core curriculum on LG and another week of diligent practice to consistently perform at mastery level/get -0, but you can take as long as you’d like as it is just video lessons and drills. In other words, you’ve come to the right place. Also, I’m currently working my way through the LR core curriculum, and I am seeing my overall knowledge/intuition of this section improve. Although I have not taken a full test since starting the LR cc, I am optimistic that my score will correspondingly improve.

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4593 karma

    Hey there,

    If you're interested, 7Sage has an in-house tutoring program. Feel free to schedule a consultation with us so we can take a look at your analytics and figure out a plan of action for you. Even if you're not ready to purchase hours, we'll try our best to set you off in the right direction to increase your score.

    Use this link to schedule a free consultation:

    If you want to learn more about private tutoring, take a look at our homepage here:

    Let me know if you have any questions!

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